Have You Reached The level of success you deserve?
It’s never been easier to set up a business yet creating a thriving business and maintaining results, and then achieving the next level of success, has in many respects become more complex, even with cutting edge technology at our fingertips.
Even seasoned entrepreneurs can hit a frustrating stuck phase where it feels like Murphy is playing games with you and intent on keeping you running on a hamster wheel.
Imagine you could bulletproof your business against stuck phases or sluggish results because you had answers to growth questions like:
E.g. How do I...
What would having solutions to these questions do for the rate and level of success in your business?

Imagine you could STOP business feeling like a daily struggle with incessant challenges creating overload and draining energy and resources.
What if you could STOP the stuck phase and the frustration of retarded growth in spite of all your hard work?
What opportunities would become possible if you could STOP money being left on the table?
What if you could STOP the disappointment of not yet achieving what you know you're capable of?
What if you could STOP the feeling of being trapped by the very thing that was supposed to set you free… your business?
What if you no longer had to fight the business battle alone?
How much time would free up for you, if your pressing business questions could be answered, leading to quicker resolution of business challenges?
Isn’t it time your hard work paid off and you realized your business dreams?
What if you could create unstoppable momentum,
unleash breakthrough business results &
Achieve the Success you deserve?
START a new exciting chapter of growth and consistent results in your business.
Beyond Results Business Coaching is designed to open doors to the vast opportunity that lies beyond a growth ceiling, setbacks, disappointments or a frustrating stuck phase!
- How different would you feel if you were geared to play a winning business game, making it exciting to go to work?
- What would change for you, if you knew how to achieve your major business goals, using what you already have?
- How different would a normal business day be if you were making progress and rapidly closing in on your goals?
How I Transformed Mind-Numbing challenges into 7-Figure successes!
An ordinary girl with an extraordinary dream beats the odds!
Listen To My Story Here
Outline Of Podcast with Carmen Wilde & Cary Hokama
[4:45] Welcome Carmen Wilde to the podcast.
[7:45] Carmen opens up about her passion and drive in life.
[13:45] Success leaves traces... Carmen's quest for success started at age 13
[21:45] What it takes to get unstuck in life.
[24:00] Challenges are actually signposts, let them teach you!
[30:45] Know when to swing for the fences and when to hold back.
[35:45] Staring down terror and living to tell the tale.
[42:15] Learning the value of serving others.
[49:45] Just decide, decision ignites action!
[53:15] Honor yourself and show up from a place of authenticity.
[59:00] It’s not too late to live the best version of yourself!
Read My Story Here
Your Business Coach gears you for breakthrough results using resources you already have!
No Profit to Doubling the Business & Big Profit
Jonathan Holden, Group Executive Operations, Innovation Group
“The results show for themselves. What we’ve managed to do is take a business that was making no profit, off about a 50 million revenue base. We’ve doubled the business and we are making about 20 million profit now.
Has the coaching given me an advantage? Absolutely! I feel sorry for anyone who hasn’t been through it.
You have that sounding board when you need it… Really, it’s been a wonderful experience and it’s changed my life and I hope more and more people can experience it and spread the word”
a Seasoned Business Coach supporting you...
is like having 10 Warriors watching your back!
Accountability Buddy
who holds you accountable
to your goals & dreams
Breakthrough Specialist
who helps you break through the barriers to success
you can count on for support and honest feedback
Sounding Board
to help you make well informed decisions quicker in tough times
Sparring Partner
to challenge your thinking
and to set the bar higher
Business Mentor
to support you in finding the best solutions to pressing challenges
Brainstorm Buddy
to help you create freely
without judgement
No BS Ally
who will call you when
you need to be called
Objective Resource
for a fresh, big picture perspective, family and friends cannot provide
you can turn to and never feel alone again as an entrepreneur
Get A Massive Business Edge With proven, cutting edge insights & tools
Through a highly personalized, tailored and results driven approach, your Seasoned Business Coach will empower you with practical, business success insights and tools to:

Quickly identify the most lucrative path to the next level of success

Step up your strategy to build a profitable and thriving business

Create unstoppable momentum to stop or guard against a stuck phase or sluggish results

Boost business growth with the hidden rules of business success in your arsenal

Build magnetic confidence to get buy-in and attract the right resources to help you win the game

Create a robust business that supports the achievement of your major goals

Be fulfilled in business and in life with more quality time to do what matters most to you
Gearing you to consistently play a winning business game!
BEYOND RESULTS Business Coaching helps driven entrepreneurs raise their game to win their game!
Returns are a Thousand Fold
Jackie Mayimela, Founder: Kaelo Resources
Jackie describes how they hit sales of 8 million in their first year of business because through Business Coaching he created a winning business plan, discovered what works and what does not work, how to hire a great team as well as how to leverage his and the business’s strengths.
He says without this guidance they would never have hit break-even let alone reach this milestone within the first two months of business. He says the returns on their investment are a thousand-fold and the value output from the coaching elevated him to another level so much so that they become the benchmark in their industry.
What’s Included In your Beyond Results Business Coaching Engagement?
Monthly You Get:
PLUS, FREE BONUSES VALUED AT $5,747 for contracts 3-months or more in duration.
What’s different about Beyond Results Business Coaching?
No more guessing with access to a cutting edge, proven success toolkit

Get access to a proven, practical
business success toolkit honed
over 2 decades that sets you up for success fast and helps you
identify and leverage the low hanging fruit in your business.
Get tangible results fast with the support of a top-rated business coach

Be coached by a top-rated business coach with a track record for results and benefit from her corporate executive and entrepreneurial experience plus human performance specialization that gives you an added edge.
Build unstoppable momentum and be geared for next level success

Be inspired by a strengths-based
approach designed to help you build unstoppable momentum fast. Your coach believes in adding powerful layers onto what is already great, to help you build a magnetic confidence that opens doors and gets results.
Shift onto an accelerated success track using what you already have

Having personally triumphed
over many grueling challenges,
your coach has an uncanny ability to support you in moving through any obstacles and accelerating success using what you already have.
Leverage current challenges to harvest new opportunities

Get access to powerful tools to
use current challenges to open new doors and harvest opportunities.
Discover the hidden rules of success and get set to win the business game

Discover the hidden rules of success that gears you to achieve your major goals and ultimately win the business game.
Wilde Success Stories

Like the ultimate Vitamin B shot!
My coaching experience with Carmen was like receiving the ultimate Vitamin B shot, except this one feels permanent! Her seemingly endless “You can do this!” enthusiasm and generous spirit is an invaluable example of how careers can change in an instant. Carmen was totally committed to improving my professional career, giving me tools which also improved my personal life.
Carmen gets my highest recommendation as a Business Coach. Her unique ability to recognize, understand and explain different methods of approaching difficult scenarios and assisting in personal/professional development is amazing. Thank you for your contribution to my business growth.
J. Padayachy

A program for the person who not only wants to walk with winners but lead winners!
I used to think I could not land new deals and now through this program, I’ve realized I’m incredibly powerful and that if I apply my mind, I can add value in every situation. It inspired me to set the bar high. A program for the person who not only wants to walk with winners but lead winners!
J. Davids

Back in the driver’s seat, achieved my goals!
After the first session I already felt as if I was back in the driver’s seat of my life. Now that I have completed the programme, I have successfully let go of debilitating baggage which did not serve me. Thank you, Carmen, I belong to myself today and have taken back my own power. You’ve taught me to be wiser with my energy and to focus on the goals which truly matter to me, you assisted me in streamlining my skills and helped me achieve my goals. Carmen ignites a fire in others to step into the driver’s seat, take control and succeed. She is dynamic, impressive and a world class subject matter expert.
A High Impact Coaching Methodology

Note: Coaching rates are dependent on duration of the coaching contract and
your specific needs, which are agreed with you in the initial call.
My Coaching Promise To You
Beyond Results Business Coaching is a highly personalized program tailored around your specific needs. Time is blocked out for you each week, which is why we do not offer a money back guarantee.
However, I do offer a promise that I stand by. I will give you a 100% commitment to support you and leave no stone unturned to help you get the results we set together at the outset of the program.
Your success is as important to me as my own. I pride myself in my commitment to my clients results which has become the hallmark of my own success.
All I ask is that you commit 100% to your own success and apply the insights and tools so that you can reap the benefits of this life and business changing program. With my support and your commitment to your own success, we can achieve whatever we put our minds to.
If for some unfortunate reason you wish to cancel your contract, I will not lock you into a contract. You can cancel at any time and all I ask is for you to give specific reasons for your cancellation, as well as at least 2 weeks’ notice before the start of the following coaching month.
Wilde Success Stories

You get results guaranteed!
I’ve become more solutions driven, I now truly believe I’m the master of my fate and captain of my soul. This program changes the way you see the world, you get results guaranteed.
K. Moshoeshoe

Refreshed my zeal, reignited my spark
I have been privileged to be passionate about my work most my life, including running my own business. But over the last several months, a discomfort arose - a deep urge wrestled inside me to find greater meaning in what I do. I tossed various ideas to and fro in my mind, only resulting in me feeling tossed around by the ideas. So I approached Carmen, for whom I have the greatest respect, to help me find the clarity of vision that I sought.
Carmen took an interesting approach – tackling the issue from the broader perspective of my life, before narrowing the focus to my business vision. Through her line of questioning, she astutely picked up patterns in my word choices that revealed a blockage that I would not have exposed on my own. Carmen kindly and beautifully facilitated a re-framing of my blockage which immediately released a new energy and clear space to sculpt my vision. Without knowledge of this, my husband even remarked: “I can see the stress is gone from your face!”.
Thank you Carmen for wisely dealing with the underlying energy drivers rather than scratching the same surface I had been trying to scratch. This new perspective has refreshed my zeal, reignited my spark and helped me understand what I did to dampen my own flame. I whole-heartedly recommend Carmen to fellow entrepreneurs – she will help you grow and fulfill your purpose.
S. Burns
Beyond Results Business Coaching is for you if: |
You’re a driven, highly ambitious entrepreneur with huge untapped potential, willing to do what it takes to achieve your wildest dreams. You want to achieve the next level of success but: |
Beyond Results Business Coaching is not for you if: |
What makes this different to other coaching programs?
How long is a typical coaching engagement?
What happens during the coaching sessions?
How long are the coaching sessions?
Is the program theoretical or is there practical application?
How much time do I need to allocate to the coaching every week?
What if something comes up for me and I need urgent assistance from my coach?
Who are your typical business coaching clients?
What kind of problems do you help your clients solve?
What kind of ROI can your clients expect?
Some consultants create a dependency, how do you ensure your clients are empowered?
What happens after the coaching engagement has ended?
Are you ready to be the next
wilde success story?
unconventional thinking brings unconventional results
My two-decade journey to uncover the drivers behind success has made one thing crystal clear…formal education does not equip us with the thinking tools required to play a winning business game and continuously succeed in the 21 st century.
Have you ever been taught how to think more laterally, creatively, critically or strategically? How do you see another way other than what your typical thinking patterns allow you to see? How do you rise above your situation to see the bigger picture?
As Max Planck so wisely said, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." But we’re not taught to look at things from different angles, so we end up swirling around getting lost in our patterns, sometimes stuck patterns that just bring about more stuck-ness.
As a coach whose witnessed miraculous client breakthrough’s, I’ve come to realize the magnitude of the human mind and potential when tapped into. The magnificence of what we can become when someone believes in us and the massive success we can achieve when we’re taught to think unconventionally, is awe inspiring.
I’ve come to believe that all things are possible, no matter what your history, current situation or fears of the future and this has made me even more committed, to support driven entrepreneurs to show up fully and realize their potential and dreams.

Your past does not define you, it refines you
Carmen Wilde

Some of the successes my clients have achieved
- No profit to doubling business growth and huge profits,
- Millions of profits within the first year of a new business,
- Lost confidence to magnetic confidence and unprecedented business results,
- Record breaking goals met in record time,
- Debt to financial freedom,
- No deals to clinching high profile deals,
- Not speaking up to speaking like a literary artist!
It's a privilege to witness the breakthroughs that are possible with the right tools and support!
My client’s successes drive me and inspire me to get up each day, so I can share my success toolbox with as many entrepreneurs as possible... Because every entrepreneur I support creates a ripple effect, where potentially hundreds and even thousands of people are positively impacted by their success story.
There is no better feeling in the world than to see someone’s path light up, when they realize how possible it is to achieve their dreams and my greatest passion is to help anyone who believes they have what it takes to succeed…to do exactly that and to even exceed their own expectations.
If you’re ready for the next level of success… it will be a privilege to help you close the gaps between where you are and your wildest business dreams fast!
My Coaching Promise To You
You have my 100% commitment to support you and leave no stone unturned to help you get the results we set together at the outset of the program.
Your success is as important to me as my own. I pride myself in my commitment to my clients results which has become the hallmark of my own success.
If you’re ready to commit 100% to your own success and apply the insights and tools in your business so that you can reap the benefits of this life and business changing program, then go ahead and schedule your free exploration call and I look forward to mapping out the fastest route to your wildest success destination!
I look forward to helping you be the next wild success story!