A Surprising Encounter at 13
Launched My Success Quest!

"The greatest battle on the journey to success, is the battlefield in our minds.
Conquer this and you become unstoppable" Carmen Wilde

When determination meets focus, anything’s possible!
The smartest way to learn how to achieve success, is to model successful people, and who better to learn from than a seasoned executive and successful entrepreneur who has walked the path to success… from humble beginnings?
Carmen Wilde is a dynamic and savvy entrepreneur whose inspiring journey to success stands testimony to her depth of knowledge, practical experience, and invaluable insight into what it takes to achieve breakthrough business results.
Success is not for the lucky few… it’s for those with the focus and determination to do what it takes to conquer their own shortcomings and go the distance. Simply put, success is not for sissies, and for a woman determined to succeed in a male dominated world, even greater courage, resourcefulness, ingenuity, tenacity, and resilience is required.
Yet, Carmen was neither daunted nor hindered by the challenge ahead, she never cried ‘victim’ and refused to pander to the pessimism of naysayers. She was determined to succeed on equal terms to her male counterparts… and she did!
By age 30, Carmen was an executive division head for a multi-billion-dollar organization and a self-made millionaire. Today she’s a “Wildely” successful entrepreneur with thriving businesses in three countries and hailed by her coaching clients as “The Breakthru Guru”.
I am proud and privileged to call Carmen Wilde my business partner and most treasured friend!
Written by Gary Wilde


When she’s not coaching or managing her businesses, you’ll find Carmen reading, running or immersed in one of her creative interests like architecture or photography. But her bliss is the adventure of travel… modern cities for their unique buzz, exotic island locations for some R&R, or escaping into the wilderness of Africa to reconnect with nature. Oh, and one last thing… if it’s fast, high or hair-raising, she’s probably the one in the front seat!

A Childhood encounter launched my success quest
As a child, life was hard. From age five, while other children were playing, I was already doing chores around the house and looking after my two year old twin brother and sister. While there was an abundance of love in our home, for our family and surrounding community, financial struggle was the norm. Before reaching my teens, I was already searching for signs that it was possible to break away from financial struggle and achieve financial freedom.
Shortly after my 13th birthday, a school friend invited me to spend the day with her at her parent’s plush home. I was dazzled by their majestic home the moment I arrived, bewildered that people live in such comfort and luxury… right down to the dreamy swimming pool with a slide that passed through a waterfall!
That night, I asked her if her father came from a wealthy family, “No, Dad's family was actually very poor, which he’s constantly reminding me of” she said, rolling her eyes. She had no idea how much her reply was music to my searching mind. It was all I needed to know… If her father grew up poor but turned his fate around, then I could do the same!
Discovering success secrets… the hard way
My quest for success has not been an easy ride. The ‘road less travelled’ can get pretty bumpy and has tested and challenged me in ways I could never have anticipated. The toughest part to breaking through a family history of financial struggle, wasn’t about mastering the outer world, it was about mastering the battlefield raging in my own mind… learning to get out of my own way, embrace and celebrate adversity and failure and find the strength to push through even the darkest moments of disappointment, despair and even terror.
I’ve had my heart broken by my first love after 18 years in a relationship I never imagined would end. I’ve stared death in the face down the barrel of a gun when six armed robbers invaded my dream home only six days after moving in. I’ve experienced devastating financial losses at the hand of business partners I trusted… yet, through these and many other challenging experiences, I’ve gained invaluable gems of wisdom and developed agility and resourcefulness that’s enabled me to break through and achieve so many of the lofty goals I set for myself that few believed possible.

Personal quest to passionate purpose
I could never have imagined that my personal quest for success would guide me deftly to the gateway of my highest purpose in this life. On this journey I discovered my greatest passion, which is supporting others in breaking through success obstacles to achieve the success they dream of. Through my experiences and the gems I’ve acquired on the way, I’ve helped hundreds of executives and entrepreneurs achieve breakthrough business results… and I plan to help hundreds of thousands more business leaders I call A.D.D i.e.
'Average Doesn't Do-it' as there’s no greater feeling than witnessing what becomes possible when driven leaders have the tools to unleash their highest potential.
Success is not a destination… it’s a way of life!
Maybe the most profound realization through the years on my ‘quest for success’, is that the path to success has no destination… it’s a way of life, a state of mind and being, an incredible journey of endless growth and discovery. It’s a rich and rewarding adventure filled with fascinating characters, challenging puzzles, epic failures, and heart pounding victories. Yet, despite the blinding pace and occasional turbulence, there’s an indescribable beauty that permeates the canvas of my life… an indelible sense of inner peace as well as a profound sense of gratitude for every experience, encounter and life lesson, which is worth more than all the material wealth I’ve amassed, because it’s a part of me, forever.